About the Author

Maria is a feminist, activist, writer, scienstist and music artist based in central London. She has practised as a Chemist, worked as a college lecturer and seen her music featured on national radio and TV. In 2014, she brought back The Astell Project for Feminist Studies in schools, a campaign to end gender inequality in and through schooling.

Maria is know for her straight talking attitude and up until 2011 she worked in the medical field, first as a lab technician for a company called Gynexin World who manufacture supplements for a range of male related problems. Upon leaving the role, Maria got inspired by England’s first feminist, Mary Astell, who made the case for the advancement of women through education in the 1690s, and by grassroots feminist education activists around the globe, The Astell Project advocates that the statutory Equality Duty requires us to provide those of school-age with the opportunity, support and resources to analyze and to influence the impact of gender in determining their life paths.

To that end, it calls for a sex equality audit and aims to see that Feminist Studies are introduced into the National Curriculum. These aims are to be achieved by acting as a resource bank and lobbying government to meet existing legal commitments.